Hey all! Truly appreciate you visiting my page. All of the knowledge that I have and will acquire, will be available to you. I am here, to heal, to motivate, and to teach, as I come to find I am a healer by nature.
Lets start with some clerical stuff. I am a Licensed Clinical laboratory scientist, and I work in open heart surgery at a Hospital. I do laboratory work, and work very closely with anesthesia. I have a sturdy amount of knowledge of western medicine, which really helps me build bridges between western and eastern medicine. I plan to continue my intensive self study of herbalism, while also obtaining my masters degree in clinical herbalism. Some major sources of my knowledge include studies from David Hoffmann’s book, ‘Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine”, ‘African Holisitic Health’ by Llaila O. Afrika, studies from numerous texts written by Dr.Josh Axe, The National Center for Biotechnology information'(NCBI), scientific journals + clinical studies, and much more.
My whole life, has been pretty interesting, for I have come across many things that sparked my creativity. I am a musician, and love the arts; that will never change. But, on the other side of the spectrum, I am insanely fascinated with science,and natural medicine. In 2014 I had self diagnosed myself with a rare connective tissue disorder, called Ehlers Danlos syndrome. It mainly affects the joints in my body. I suffer dislocations, subluxations, loose joints, and joint pain, all the time. After seeing a genetic doctor, it was confirmed, I was right, I had EDS. From this point on, I learned that there was no cure, and the only way to help those with EDS is generally self medication and pain management. I then decided to find ways to treat myself, and help treat other people naturally. I was not about to have worse gastrointestinal issues from taking advil for pain everyday. I knew there had to be an alternative, hence why I decided to flood my mind with information and research on natural medicine. I have been doing this for 3+ years, and ive been treating myself with natural and holistic practices. I am not a doctor, and I am not here to treat your ailments, but I am here to show you what you can do, or use, as an alternative to pharmaceuticals, and chemicals, for your own personal information. I will be posting DIY natural remedies for pain, and certain conditions. I will be posting natural skincare, hair-care, and self care. I will share articles with you, I will share my research, I will share it all! Anything I could do, to help heal, and help infuse knowledge, will be available to you. Before use of any natural remedy, or essential oil, if you are weary, always see a doctor first before use. But anyways, I really hope you enjoy my journey, because I really hope to change some lives.
*disclaimer: All information and recommendations is on this website is for your personal information; it is not here to replace the opinions of doctors.Always consult a doctor first, if making changes to your wellness, and be aware of any allergy you may have to any natural ingredients (including nuts/seeds).
Email: theartofnaturalremedy@gmail.com
Instagram: @theartofnaturalremedy