THyme oxymels
Oxymels and their medicinal strengths
An Oxymel is a type of herbal elixr using Raw honey and vinegar that yields medicinal properties.(Ian acid + vinegar).You can explore many different options of preparations of these, using different types of herbs that have different medicinal benefits.
A basic medicinal Oxymel that I love to concoct is a simple thyme Oxymel. Thyme Is a great respiratory tonic, as it helps your body expel mucus(an expectorant), is highly antibacterial, and is antispasmodic. A thyme Oxymel is a great addition to an herbal medicine cabinet, to help combat coughs, respiratory inflammation ,upper respiratory infections, etc. There are wonderful medicinal benefits in the honey, and I use Apple cider vinegar as my acid(which also has amazing medicinal benefits.)